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ENG102 Does Fake News Differ from Bias or Errors in Reporting Assignment

ENG102 Does Fake News Differ from Bias or Errors in Reporting Assignment

ENG102 Does Fake News Differ from Bias or Errors in Reporting Assignment

Description: This short paper (at least two pages, excluding your works cited page) is your chance to consider an issue relevant to the course topic, take a stance and support that stance with evidence. Using MLA format.
Details: Here is the question I would like you to explore: Does fake news differ from bias or errors in reporting, and, if so, how important is it that news consumers be able to make those distinctions? Again, be sure to support your argument. This can’t just be your opinion – you must support your argument with evidence! You may use sources we have used for the course. You might consider the definition of fake news – has it changed (take a look at how it is defined in the Campbell text)? You might also consider how the term “fake news” is being used by various groups and what role it is currently playing in our national discourse.
Here are a couple of hints: Clearly state your stance at the beginning of the paper (thesis) and support it with evidence. You may use the sources we have read and discussed as part of the course and you can draw from outside sources. Use at least two sources. Tie it all together with a conclusion that brings closure and supports your thesis.
Sources: Use at least two.
Here are couple of links from my class if you need:
How Fake News Grows in a Post-Fact World Links to an external site.
TED Talk: How to Seek Truth in an Era of Fake NewsTED Talk: How to Seek Truth in an Era of Fake News Links to an external site.
How Real is Fake News?How Real is Fake News? Links to an external site.
How Fake News Does Real Harm: Boko HaramHow Fake News Does Real Harm: Boko Haram Links to an external site.
Multi source News and the Battle of Media BiasMulti source News and the Battle of Media Bias Links to an external site.
How the News Distorts Our World ViewHow the News Distorts Our World View Links to an external site.
Hate the Media? So Do I. And I’m a Reporter.Hate the Media? So Do I. And I’m a Reporter. Links to an external site.
Donald Trump Calls CNN Fake News (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
The CNN Story About the Dossier (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
BuzzFeed’s Story (Including a Link) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Fake News Definitions, according to The Guardian (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
NPR: A Finder’s Guide to Facts (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Poynter Contributor: The Real Problem with Fake News (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Politifact: Media vs. Trump in Defining Fake News (Links to an external site.)
Calling Bullshit (open class website for new UW course) Links to an external site.
Media Bias Basics (Link to Report)Media Bias Basics (Link to Report) Links to an external site.

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