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fit Making outline Extraordinary Women Amelia Earhart,

fit Making outline Extraordinary Women Amelia Earhart,

Do not take the assignment unless the links open with you please sentences. (CHATGPT or AI generated outlines may result in course failure.)Your outline summaries should have parts as follows:1. Topic introduction and brief video clip2. An illustrated timeline of events3. What did you learn about this woman?4. Create a map of where this woman lived or traveled to regularly.5. Further recommended documentaries/films on this topicExplain how your piece relates to this topic, using in text citations (at least two per person in APA format), and providing a reference list at the end of the outline in APA format. One electronic copy will be turned in here per group via turnitin dropbox.SAMPLE FORMATGroup Outline: Extraordinary Women Documentary Reviews1. Topic Introduction and Brief Video Clip (First speaker introduces self)Introduction to the Prime Video series Extraordinary Women (BBC)Explanation of the assignment: Each group chooses a documentary segment from the series to review individuallyBrief overview of the selected documentary segments by each group Attention getter: Introduction of the chosen segment with a brief video clip (cite source)Transition sentence to next speaker2. Illustrated Timeline of EventsTimeline of significant events in the life of the woman featured in the chosen documentary segmentKey dates and milestones presented visually for better understanding (attributions for visuals)Transition to next speaker3. What Did You Learn About This Woman?Individual summaries of the insights gained from watching the documentary segmentAnalysis of the woman’s achievements, challenges faced, and impact on societyPersonal reflections on the significance of her story (cite source)Transition to next speaker4. Create a Map of Where This Woman Lived or Traveled to RegularlyMap illustrating the geographical locations relevant to the life of the woman portrayed in the documentary segmentHighlighting places of residence, significant events, and travels (cite sources)Transition to next speaker5. Further Recommended Documentaries/Films on This TopicRecommendations for additional documentaries or films related to the woman’s life or the broader topic addressed in the chosen segmentExplanation of how these recommendations complement the understanding gained from the documentary segment (Cite sources)Provide ending statementReference ListList of all sources cited in the outline, presented in APA formatPlease note that the content and formatting of this outline are designed to meet the requirements of the assignment while adhering to the guidelines provided.This is the first link… this is the second link…
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