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The Brand’s Obstacles and Prospects Inner and Outer Layer Assignment

The Brand’s Obstacles and Prospects Inner and Outer Layer Assignment

In order to help apply the content from the textbook, you will be asked to complete short papers that focus on the important aspects of branding through story.
At the start of the class term, the professor will provide the brand that you will examine for these papers. Each member of the class will study the same brand. You will be asked to provide the brand’s backstory; the brand’s inner and outer layer; the obstacles the brand faces and the prospect’s inner and outer layer; and an assessment of whether the brand’s story connects to its prospect.
Your paper is to be double spaced and your references page(s), title and abstract pages are not counted as a part of the two- or three-page total. Please note that your paper is to be two full
pages (not one and part of a second) or three full pages (not two and part of a third). If, as a result, you go a bit longer than the page requirement the professor does not mind.
These papers will be assessed on the quality of writing and sourcing (using APA style) and the
quality of thought in applying the specific attributes of Storybranding that are relevant to each
specific paper. You will want to closely follow the class text as you write each of these papers,
since each paper is based on specific parts of the class text. Paper: The Brand’s Obstacles and Prospects Inner and Outer Layer Assignment will refer to Module 4: Week 4 Learn item,
Read: Signorelli: Chapters 12 – 14.
If you are interested in a visual representation of the parts of the Storybranding paradigm (which
can help you get a sense of how all the parts fit together) please see Chapter 15 (The Storybrief;
pp. 160 – 161) of the class text.
Be sure you are familiar with the principles in our text. Use the text concepts LIBERALLY in your paper. Using the brand we are studying this term, please apply the lessons from our text that detail how brands need to view and deal with obstacles to help a prospect reach a Level IV connection. Also, detail the inner layer (values, beliefs, convictions) and outer layer (demographics) for the prospect of our brand. Remember the inner layer of the prospect is their soul, and the outer layer is the flat demographic description of the prospect.
Three full pages (going over by a bit is encouraged)

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